We specialize in Consulting, Outsourcing and in delivering end-to-end development & testing services to our customers in Java Technology.
Java Application Development

We provide the following service in Java
Java Technologies for Web Applications
- Jsp ,Servlets ,Custom Tags,JDBC,EJB,JMS(Java Message Service)
- XML/XSL, Java Message Service, Java Transaction API and Junit
- BEA WebLogic Application Server
- Junit (Unit Testing Framework )
- JTA(Java Transaction API)
- J2EE Design Patterns created for the building the Enterprise Web-based apps.
- J2EE based Frameworks (Spring Framework , Vaadin and JSF)
- JPA like Frameworks(Hibernate and Toplink) and CMP Entity EJBs
- Java WebService libraries like tomcat 5.x, Apache Axis and Weblogic
- Object Oriented Design and Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams
- Oracle Data Modeling (ODM) and Relational Database Design
- Powerful bug issue resolve and quickly update system
- Java EE production support skills
Java Technology for Mobile Applications
Java is used in native application development for developing Android Phone Apps, and the user is required to download the app from playstore in order to use the service.
We develop mobile apps for:
- Mobile Shopping (ecommerce)
- Mobile Banking & Retail
- App for Education Institutions
- Mobile App for ERP’s
- Mobile App for Insurance Sector
- Mobile Travel Information and booking, Total Internet Solution with WAP enhancements.
Call Us for More..
+65 8366 0200